Houses for sale West Seneca, New York

We found 145 homes for sale in West Seneca, NY at a median listing home price of $246,995. You can check more information on:

  • Redfin

Average size of a house

According to, the houses for sale in West Seneca range from 1,157 sqft to 2,888 sqft. The size of the house varies depending on the location and type of house.

Houses for sale West Seneca, New York
Houses for sale West Seneca, New York
Category Description
Location West Seneca, Erie County, New York, United States
Population (2020) 45,500
Quality of Life Community-rich suburban lifestyle with numerous family-oriented community events and festivals. Extensive system of recreational facilities including parks, indoor skating rink, swimming center, youth community center, and a large soccer complex.
Places of Interest Charles E. Burchfield Nature & Art Center, Southgate Plaza, McKinley Mall, Walden Galleria
Education Three separate public school districts, with the West Seneca Central School District being the largest.
Notable People Matt Anderson, Charles E. Burchfield, Tim Russert